Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry (Belated) Christmas

Technically Christmas is over here, it's the 26th now. It was fairly decent. The girls got a lot more than I expected, Big Daddy's twin sister, Aunt J got them a TON of stuff including an android tablet and a kids digi cam for the older two and a bunch of little stuff, and a few toys for JSmiley. We got the big girls each a handheld game system. J got a million and one baby dolls. Barbies are every where. Clothes, shoes and toys from Nana. Barbies and babies from Granny and Uncle H/Aunt B (and so many more!)
The girls went to Christmas breakfast and lunch with Nana, who was visiting friends and relatives then we (all) went to late lunch/dinner at MIL's. I cheated a smidge on my diet but one day won't hurt much. In fact, I think a cheat day every so often (unless it includes a food that's dangerous, none of my cheats are anaphylaxis inducing) helps keep you focused. I did very well with zero subs or cheats for 3 weeks but then I was going nuts with cravings. That one cheat settled it down (and even reaffirmed why I was doing the diet) and I was happy as a clam.

But I need to get back on the roller coaster now that my holiday cheat day is over. I'm down to 150/151 and I'd like to keep losing just a little. I'd also like to tone/shape but it's so exhausting. An exercise that says it only takes 20 minutes ALWAYS takes me an hour and I'm exhausted forever. Of course that was 34 pounds ago. Maybe it'll get easier?

Anyway, just wanted to wish the blog sphere, especially all the spoonies a belated Merry Christmas (happy holidays). I'm including one of the blooper pictures taken at MILs, watermarked but mostly unedited. I don't like posting pictures publicly of the kids (really anyone/thing) as people can be horrible and steal them to use for ill/trolling but it just doesn't go over as well distorting a Christmas card(ish).

JSmiley wouldn't quit petting her sisters, I was trying to get her to quit/focus on Granny, daddy was watching both of us and DCourtly blinked. Never a dull moment trying to take a decent picture.

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